Open Science Framework (OSF)
The Open Science Framework (OSF) is both a free-of-charge network for research materials as well as an open source project management tool. It supports researchers in every phase of their project. It supports research teams in organising their collaboration. The entire research project can be made openly accessible, to achieve wide dissemination, but it can also be organised non-publicly. With the help of OSF integrations for workflows and storage, researchers can manage their entire project in one place.
OSF combines researcher tools that many researchers are already using, so that data silos and information gaps can be avoided. In OSF you can also search for papers, data and other research material. A pre-registration of planned studies is also possible. You can find examples for the use of OSF in the field of economics by searching for “economics” in the search field.
Tip: The following worksheets offer helpful information when starting to work with OSF