Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe is an Open Access publication platform for the publication of results from EU-funded projects from the research funding programmes Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The platform contains research results from all scientific disciplines and is financed by the European Commission, which is responsible for the platform. The platform is operated by F1000 Research.

EU-funded research projects are not obliged to use Open Research Europe, but can do so however, in order to guarantee that the Open Access standards are kept. The publication fees of F1000 Research that are incurred during the course of publication, are covered directly by the European Commission. After being formally checked, submissions are published immediately as preprints (under a CC-BY licence) and then assessed in an Open Peer Review procedure.

Tip: Open Research Europe offers plenty of information about publication on the platform. Understanding Open Data by F1000 Research provides an overview about using Open Data on Open Research Europe.