Steigern Sie den Erfolg Ihrer Forschung in den Wirt­schafts­wissen­schaften

Der Open Economics Guide der ZBW zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Methoden und Tools von Open Science – wie Open Access und Open Data – Ihre Forschung effizienter und sichtbarer machen.

Einführung in Open Access
Forschung sichtbar machen.

Einführung in Open Data
Forschung überprüfbar machen.

Einführung in Open Code
Forschung transparent machen.

Einführung in OER
Lehre verfügbar machen.

Es ist ein Stiftekorb zusehen, der Open Science Tools symbolisiert.

Kostenlose Open Science Tools

Für Open Science stehen eine ganze Reihe nützlicher Helferlein bereit, die Sie dabei unterstützen, Ihre Forschung noch effizienter zu gestalten. Werfen Sie einen Blick in unsere Tool-Übersicht!

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Neues aus dem Blog

Mit aktuellen Tipps und Tutorials rund um Open Science immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben.


Konferenzen, Seminare, Webinare, Online-Panels und mehr!

EVERSE Network Launch: Building a Community for Research Software Quality

18. Februar 2025
Organised by: EVERSE Network

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the EVERSE Network for Research Software Quality! This 90-minute online event will present the network’s vision, goals, and services while offering participants a platform to share their expectations and needs.

IGDORE ReproducibiliTea and Open Science Coffee

19. Februar 2025
Organised by: IGDORE

ReproducibiliTea is a journal club initiative that has resulted in journal clubs about open science and replicability in academic departments all over the world (see for more history and information). IGDORE is now proud to announce our own ReproducibiliTea journal club fully online, allowing people to join from wherever they happen to be in the world!

This journal club is suited for beginners to open science. To fully understand what the open science movement is built upon, we will cover important basic concepts and discuss the most seminal works. Each session will be based on an article which all participants read in advance. Depending on the session topic, other resources such as Youtube videos or optional reading may be provided to facilitate the discussions. These will always be optional; you are never expected to prepare more than reading the session article.

Everyone is welcome – from student to Nobel Prize laureate; from intern to CEO. No prior knowledge is required to participate, but the article discussions will probably be more valuable to you if you have a university-level understanding of quantitative and/or qualitative research methodology


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