Good Open Access Practices

We recommend the following to you as good Open Access practices:

  1. Publish as much as possible in Open Access.
  2. Make use of your rights as the author. Do not relinquish all copyright to journals or publishers. Try to preserve your rights, such as to self-archive even if you publish in Closed Access. You can do this by adding an author addendum to the publication contract, for example.
  3. Be on the lookout for predatory journals. Use the checklist for predatory journal, to avoid publishing in one by accident.
  4. Create an ORCID iD account. In this way you make your research work transparent and ensure that it can be uniquely assigned to you.
  5. Use open archives/repositories for self-archiving. Thus, you ensure the long-term availability of your research. Use social networks for researchers such as ResearchGate, to disseminate the links to your research work in open archives, but not for the archiving of the work itself.


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