Tools for Open Science

A variety of tools can support you in practicing Open Science.

The following aspects can help you in selecting suitable tools:

  • Data protection: Am I processing personal data and does the tool fulfil the data privacy requirements (is it GDPR compliant)?
  • Open Source: Is the tool itself open?
  • Non-profit: Is the tool non-profit or commercial?
  • Open data and formats: Is the tool based on open, licenced data and open standardised file formats or does it provide these?
  • Free of charge: Is it free of charge to use?
  • Community-driven: Is the tool being (further) developed by the community?


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We have put together a small selection of Open Science tools to provide you with an initial impression.


Open Science tools of the ZBW:

As a public institution, the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics offers several non-commercial Open Science tools directly for the field of economics. These include:

Comprehensive Open Science tools

The Open Science tools that cover the majority of the scientific workflow and/or various Open Science fields include:


Tool collections with Open Science tools. (You will find certain tools at the corresponding Open Science topics.):

  • Toolbox – Resources for Researchers of the Open Science Center of the LMU Munich with tools for planning research, for implementation, for data analysis and the publication of data, materials and papers.
  • RRI Toolkit offers tools and information on responsible research and innovation, subdivided according to role profiles and fields of interest.
  • OpenUP Hub Tool collection.


We have put together many more tools for you in our tool overview and classified them according to the various phases of scientific workflow.

Which tools or tool collections would you recommend?