Individual Benefits of Open Science

Benefits that Open Science can bring to individual researchers include:

  • Greater visibility of scholarly work: there is evidence that Open Science can lead to higher citation rates, as well as to a greater visibility outside the (own) research community. Studies show that Open Access publications are more widely used than literature with limited access, and Open Data also finds application outside of academia.
  • Greater impact and promotion of knowledge transfer: Open Access offers the potential to apply results more easily in practice.
  • More options for publication and more control: Open Science provides new opportunities and more control over how and where one's work is published.
  • Compliance with funding guidelines: Research organizations are increasingly requiring the use of Open Science practices.
  • Facilitating feedback: Open Science can make it easier to get constructive feedback on research work and thus improve its quality.



The goals of Open Science and the benefits it can bring to the science system and society as a whole are summarized in the overview "Goals of Open Science".