Events: Open Science & Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Konferenzen, Seminare, Webinare, Online-Panels und mehr: An dieser Stelle finden Sie relevante Veranstaltungen aus den Bereichen Open Science und den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Sie sind selbst Event-Organisator und möchten Ihre Veranstaltung in den Kalender aufnehmen lassen? Gerne! Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Weitere Termine zu Veranstaltungen rund um die Wirtschaftswissenschaften finden Sie auch auf den Veranstaltungsseiten des ZBW-Fachportals EconBiz.
Journal Flipping Practice – How can journals flip to consortial Diamond Open Access funding?
As part of the workshop, we want to take a look at the European Diamond Open Access landscape with the DIAMAS project and provide a perspective on the infrastructural support services the project is planning for journals that want to work in a business model that is based neither on subscriptions nor on author fees. We will also use two consortium models, KOALA and OLEcon, to demonstrate collaborative financing options for journals and offer specific flipping advice.
A testimonial from a recently flipped journal complements the exchange on infrastructure and financing. Topics: What does the Diamond Open Access landscape look like in Europe? What do journals seeking Diamond Open Access funding need to consider?What types of funding are available beyond subscription and APC?
Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice
Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? We will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for your questions to our experts. You will also get a preview of the main tools and services OpenAIRE provides to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements’ compliance.
FAIR Publication of Materials Science Data with NOMAD
This workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the functionality of a reputable, free and open repository developed by FAIRmat. FAIRmat is a consortium of the NFDI and provides the condensed-matter physics and chemical physics of solids community with the infrastructure, tools, and knowledge to make their research data FAIR. NOMAD was built to to be a FAIR and federated data infrastructure for materials science.
Open Science November: OER – Mit freien Lernmaterialien durch das Studium
In diesem Workshop zeigen wir euch, wo ihr OER findet und unter welchen Bedingungen ihr diese verwenden dürft. Der Workshop kombiniert dabei Wissenseinheiten mit interaktiven Elementen
Research Software Camp: FAIR Software
This short course is teaching tools and practices for producing and sharing quality, sustainable and AIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) research software to support open and reproducible research. The course can be delivered over 2 full or 4 half days.
Leveraging OPERAS Metrics: Showing the Impact of Open Access Books
The training session will shed light on OPERAS Metrics, a database providing usage and impact information for published Open Access (OA) books. In the first part of the training, the key features and benefits of OPERAS Metrics will be presented, including its role in aggregating data from different sources to provide a comprehensive view of OA book usage. The session will also discuss how OPERAS Metrics fits into broader research assessment practices, addressing the Open Science-aware perspective of the GraspOS project.
In the second part of the training, participants will take part in a hands-on technical training where they will receive step-by-step guidance on how to use OPERAS Metrics.
Wie vermeide ich Predatory Publishing?
Für Sie ist es wichtig Ihre Forschung sichtbar zu machen und Ihre Ergebnisse zu veröffentlichen. Einzelne dubiose Anbieter versuchen dies mit betrügerischen Publikationsangeboten auszunutzen, doch wie kann man diese identifizieren? In diesem Input erhalten Sie hilfreiche Tipps, wie Sie einen potentiellen Predatory Publisher erkennen können.
Evaluating the Impact of your Research
Research funders expect you to demonstrate impact of your research. Research councils and Research England require you to provide evidence of this through Researchfish and the Research Excellence Framework (REF). For REF impact case studies, we need to be able to provide a strong narrative and robust evidence of the impacts claimed. This workshop will help you to develop a plan for evaluating the impact from your own research.
Research Software Camp: From spreadsheets to R
RStudio certified instructor, Yanina Bellini Saibene has put together this R introductory course for new or beginner coders. “From spreadsheets to R” is intended for people who use spreadsheets for data manipulation and analysis but have never programmed and would like to learn how to work with R. This course aims to answer questions such as: “Why use R?” and “Where to start?”
Gimme more: Welche Forschungsdaten bringt der Data Act?
Die europäische Rechtsakte sprossen in den letzten Jahren nur so aus dem Boden – der Data Act ist einer davon. Mit seinem Vortrag gibt Oliver Vettermann (FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH) einen FDM-fokussierten Überblick und versucht die Frage zu klären: Was bringt der Data Act für Wissenschaft und Forschung?
Wie finde ich die richtige CC-Lizenz für meine Publikation?
Open Access und Creative Commons-Lizenzen (kurz CC-Lizenzen) gehören zusammen. Doch die Wahl der eigentlichen Lizenz-Variante für die eigene Publikation kann eine Herausforderung darstellen und sollte wohlüberlegt sein. In diesem Input werden Ihnen die verschiedenen Lizenz-Typen und einzelne Entscheidungshilfen bei der Suche nach der passenden CC-Lizenz vorgestellt.
Archiving and publiation of research data
This introductory part of the workshop series will introduce you as to how you can benefit from professional research data management throughout the entire life cycle of your research data and how you can implement good scientific practice. You will learn about the range of possibilities to make your data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). What is RDM and why is it important? (Funding, Re-use, FAIR) – Research Data Life Cycle – Good Scientific Practice & DFG Codex – FDM infrastructures (HeFDI, NFDI) – Outlook for the following events.
Open Science and Reproducible Research in RStudio and Jupyter Notebook
In the first part of this two-day workshop, participants will learn the basics of open science and reproducible research. They will learn the difference between replicability and computational reproducibility, know what FAIR data is, and be aware of how to handle personal and sensitive data. In the second part, the participants learn the basic reproducible research workflow for the three main stages of research (i.e. data acquisition, data processing, and data analysis) by using tools such as RStudio, Jupyter Notebooks, and the version control system GIT. Participants will know how to organize a research project using RStudio and Jupyter Notebooks, how to use Quarto and Markdown for documenting the research steps, how to organize files and folders, and how to use the version control system GIT for collaboration.
Open Science und „Well-Being“
Dieses Meet-Up bildet den Ausgangspunkt für einen offenen Austausch darüber, wie wir über die Verbindungen zwischen Well-Being und Open Science nachdenken und sie erkunden können. Zu Beginn wird Josefine Honke, EUniWell Task Lead für Open Science an der Universität Konstanz, einige erste Überlegungen und Ideen vorstellen. Danach sind wir gespannt auf Ihre Fragen und Perspektiven zur Schnittstelle von Open Science und Well-Being.
Creative Commons Lizenzen bei Publikationen und Forschung
In dieser Online-Veranstaltung beschäftigen wir uns unter anderem mit folgenden Inhalten und Fragen: Welche Lizenztypen gibt es? Wo finde ich freie Materialien für meine Publikation? Welche Lizenz passt für meine (Daten-)Publikation?
16th European DDI Users Conference
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences. The meeting will bring together DDI users and professionals from all over Europe and the world. Anyone interested in developing, applying, or using DDI is invited to attend and present.
6th OpenAIRE Open Science Train-the-Trainer Bootcamp
Research, and how it is conducted, is ever-changing and requires those that are tasked in its support to also keep up-to-date in Research Data Management, Open Access and Open Science in general. OpenAIRE’s train-the-trainer bootcamps aim at empowering trainers with the knowledge and the know-hows of Open Science so they can pass it onto the researchers and students themselves, and ultimately help create a more open, transparent and accessible research ecosystem
SFB-Inf Workshop 2024: Let‘s share! Gute Praktiken und Fallstricke im Datenmanagement in SFBs und Forschungsgruppen
In diesem Workshop gibt es Gelegenheit für den gemeinsamen Erfahrungsaustausch zum FDM in großen Verbundprojekten. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf euren Erfahrungen mit guten Praktiken und Schwierigkeiten sowie auf den für das aktive FDM notwendigen und bereits konkret nutzbaren Forschungsinfrastrukture
Hackathon: Transform your ideas into graphs! Vizualisation of research data
Each team of participants will cooperatively produce visualizations of European Social Survey (ESS)/CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) Panel data and showcase their results. Participants can use any software or tools of their choice to create their visualizations. Why participate? Develop and apply your data visualization skills. In-depth and hands-on opportunity to improve your skills in visualizing your research outcomes. Networking: Connect with fellow researchers and professionals in your community. Win prizes: The top 3 teams will receive awards after final presentations of the results. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Ethik und Recht
Die Kurzschulung bietet einen fundierten Einstieg in ethische und rechtliche Aspekte im Kontext von Forschungsprojekten. Der Fokus liegt auf folgenden Themen: wissenschaftliche Integrität, Datenschutz im Zusammenhang mit Personendaten, Anonymisierung und Pseudonymisierung, Einwilligungserklärung sowie Lizenzen.