From the Blog

More Awareness Through Open Research Data: How to Find a FAIR Repository

More Awareness Through Open Research Data: How to Find a FAIR Repository

Would you like to store your research data securely for the long term and make it easy to find on a repository that follows the FAIR principles? But how can you find a FAIR repository? In this blog post a search strategy is described for you. When you use a FAIR data repositor, it facilitates or enables you to make your data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). This allows you to benefit from many advantages, such as a greater impact of your research. Unfortunately, finding the right repository is not always easy. This is because there is no central […]

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More Credit Through Open Research Data: how to Recognize a FAIR Repository [Checklist]

More Credit Through Open Research Data: how to Recognize a FAIR Repository [Checklist]

If you store your research data in a repository that adheres to the FAIR principles, they will be securely stored and findable for the long term. However, it is usually not possible to tell at first glance whether a repository is actually FAIR. This blog post helps you to check repositories for their FAIRness. A suitable data repository helps to secure or publish your data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). It can play a central role in making your data more valuable for current and future research, for example, by helping you organise and preserve it for the long […]

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More Impact Through FAIR Research Data: These Tools Check the FAIRness of Your Data

More Impact Through FAIR Research Data: These Tools Check the FAIRness of Your Data

What do the FAIR principles mean in practice and how can they be applied correctly? There are a number of things to consider when preparing FAIR research data. Luckily, you do not have to do everything on your own. Some helpful tools support you. These analyse, for example, how FAIR your data already is and give you practical tips for improvement. If you publish your research data openly, transparently and thus FAIR for third parties, you will benefit from more visibility for your own work – and possibly from higher citation rates as a result. But how can research data […]

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Legally Read Free Full Texts With Unpaywall: how to get Started With the Browser Extension

Legally Read Free Full Texts With Unpaywall: how to get Started With the Browser Extension

The browser extension Unpaywall enables you to easily and legally access free Open Access texts. This way you can access a wider range of economics and business studies publications for free with just one click. Learn in this blog post how you can get started quickly and enrich your research with an automatic Open Access option. Unpaywall contains around 29 million freely accessible texts. Thanks to Unpaywall´s browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, free alternative access to a fee-based journal article is displayed in the course of a search. This service is free of charge and offered by the non-profit […]

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Accelerating Open Science Transformation: How you Yourself can Open Science

Accelerating Open Science Transformation: How you Yourself can Open Science

The transformation to Open Science often seems cumbersome. Why can be explained by the concept of “Wicked Problems” described in a recently published workbook. Read here what hurdles are mentioned and how you as a researcher can accelerate the transformation. In mid-November 2021, innOsci (German) – the Stifterverband’s Forum for Open Innovation Culture, which was founded two years ago – published an interesting workbook entitled „Die Öffnung der Wissenschaft / Werkheft zur Gestaltung der Transformation“ (German; “The Opening of Science. Workbook on structuring the transformation”). The publication focuses on methods that can promote the opening of science. After all, there […]

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Greater Impact Without Paywalls: New Open Access Tool: Free Your Science

Greater Impact Without Paywalls: New Open Access Tool: Free Your Science

“Re-publish your paywalled work in open access today for free!” – this is the slogan of the new tool Free Your Science. Find out how the online help promotes easy Open Access in a few steps via this blog post. Free Your Science is a new tool with which you can make already published articles accessible in Open Access with a few clicks. Or, put another way: It supports you in freeing your own publications from obstructive paywalls, thereby making them accessible to a wider public, for greater reach and a higher impact. This is how Free Your Science works In […]

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Open Economics Guide starts a blog: News, tips and tools for your success with Open Science

Open Economics Guide starts a blog: News, tips and tools for your success with Open Science

The Open Economics Guide now includes its own blog with practice-based news, tool descriptions and step-for-step instructions! You will therefore experience Open Science in economics and business studies up close, and be able to reuse it more successfully. As from today, the guide will be supported by its own blog! The start of the blog provides yet another opportunity for economics and business studies researchers to get into Open Science. The articles will concentrate on the following topics: discussing current developments in the field of Open Science, introducing new tools and services as well as demonstrating how they function, practical worksheets for […]

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