From the Blog

From Articles to Software: Cite Research Results Correctly With CiteAs

From Articles to Software: Cite Research Results Correctly With CiteAs

The thing about citing data sets – how did that work again? And how do I actually reference software correctly? These are exactly the kinds of questions that the free tool CiteAs answers with just a few clicks. The blogpost shows how it works in practice. CiteAs is a new and free browser tool that helps with the correct citation of different types of sources – not only articles and preprints, but also data sets and software. So on the one hand, CiteAs helps directly in referencing source citations. On the other hand, the original authors who have produced these […]

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Strengthening Economics with Open Science: Examples From the Field

Strengthening Economics with Open Science: Examples From the Field

At a symposium on research transparency in economics, researchers exchanged ideas in Berlin. This blogpost highlights a selection of the exemplary collaborative practices mentioned there and shows how Open Science can work in economics and business studies. The ZBW regularly hosts Open Science events for economics and business studies researchers, including one in Berlin on April 27, 2023. After an initial meet-up to discuss open practices in economics, the symposium “Open Science – Research Transparency in Economics” (German) started in the afternoon. Economics researchers shared their experiences with open practices and gave the audience some food for thought. Here is […]

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Review the Peer Review Process: More Transparency with SciRev

Review the Peer Review Process: More Transparency with SciRev

Tired of endlessly waiting for an uncertain outcome? This is how review processes of academic journals are often perceived. SciRev was born based on researchers’ experiences with the scientific review process. A short introduction to a tool that is made by researchers for researchers. The SciRev team around Jeroen Smits, president of SciRev and professor of economic and human development at the department of Economics of Radboud University, aims to improve the unpleasant situation of researchers during journal review processes. SciRev makes the processes more transparent. It offers researchers the opportunity to share their experiences and to select an efficient […]

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Open Science Events: Hands-on Open Science

Open Science Events: Hands-on Open Science

Still space in the appointment calendar? The Open Economics Guide of the ZBW now offers a calendar of online and offline events related to Open Science – especially for business studies and economics researchers. Conferences, workshops, webinars: The year 2023 will again offer plenty of opportunities to approach the topic of Open Science in a very practical way and to seek contact with the community. So that the overview is not lost, the Open Economics Guide of the ZBW now offers a regularly updated calendar of events, which looks at the scene from a business studies and economics perspective. Below […]

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Open Research Practices: Important Rules for a Seamless Implementation

Open Research Practices: Important Rules for a Seamless Implementation

The large number of practices and tools of Open Science and the possibilities they imply can be inspiring on the one hand. On the other hand they can be overwhelming. So, a little guidance on how to start may be helpful. To address this need, a team of authors formulated ten rules for implementing open and reproducible research practices. This blogpost gives you a short recap. The paper “Ten simple rules for implementing open and reproducible research practices after attending a training course” offers guidance to beginners and advanced learners for implementing robust research practices in your own projects. It […]

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Open Science in Practice: What is the Status in Business Studies and Economics?

Open Science in Practice: What is the Status in Business Studies and Economics?

As part of a representative study, the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics wanted to find out whether – and if so – how deeply Open Science is anchored in the everyday research work of German business studies and economics researchers. We spoke to the study leader about the results. In spring 2022, the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics conducted a broad-based representative awareness analysis among German business studies and economics researchers. One part of the survey dealt with the topic of Open Science and the question of the extent to which Open Science is already part […]

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Choosing the Best Open Access Journal for Your Paper: How the new oa.finder Helps

Choosing the Best Open Access Journal for Your Paper: How the new oa.finder Helps

Which journal is the right one for the paper I am planning? Faced with thousands of specialist journals, choosing the right one is a challenge. Especially if you want to publish in Open Access and have to keep an eye on the financing of possible fees. The new tool oa.finder now offers further support with its extensive search and filter options. At the end of October 2022, the new KB entry was launched. Developed as part of the joint project “” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and operated by Bielefeld University Library, the free search tool provides […]

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Greater Dissemination Thanks to Open Access: EconStor for Publications in Economics and Business Studies

Greater Dissemination Thanks to Open Access: EconStor for Publications in Economics and Business Studies

EconStor is a central Open Access publication server for publications in economics and business studies. Publications uploaded there receive a permanently stable, citable link, greater dissemination and more visibility. Learn how to publish there yourself in this blog post. EconStor is one of the largest Open Access publication servers for research papers in economics and business studies and is heavily used worldwide. In 2020, for example, nearly 13 million documents were downloaded, almost 80 percent of them outside of Germany. Nearly 240,000 working papers and other full texts On the publication server operated by the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for […]

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