Events: Open Science & Economics
Conferences, seminars, webinars, online panels and more: Here you will find relevant events from the fields of Open Science and business studies and economics. Are you an event organizer yourself and would like to have your event added to the calendar? Don’t hesitate, please contact us.
You can find more dates for events relating to business studies and economics in the calendar of the ZBW search portal EconBiz.
Maximising Your Impact
In this workshop we will identify what impact is (and isn’t), the different types of impact and the potential ‘reach and significance’ of your research. You will reflect on how well prepared you are to create and capture impact and look at the important role played by your stakeholders. You will leave the session having made a good start on your Impact Map, which will provide a useful guide for you as your research evolves.
E-Science-Tage 2025: Research Data Management – Challenges in a Changing World
The E-Science-Tage are an interdisciplinary conference series on the topics of research data management and open science – with a wide range of opportunities for professional exchange between science and technology. Save the Date!
IGDORE ReproducibiliTea and Open Science Coffee
ReproducibiliTea is a journal club initiative that has resulted in journal clubs about open science and replicability in academic departments all over the world (see for more history and information). IGDORE is now proud to announce our own ReproducibiliTea journal club fully online, allowing people to join from wherever they happen to be in the world!
This journal club is suited for beginners to open science. To fully understand what the open science movement is built upon, we will cover important basic concepts and discuss the most seminal works. Each session will be based on an article which all participants read in advance. Depending on the session topic, other resources such as Youtube videos or optional reading may be provided to facilitate the discussions. These will always be optional; you are never expected to prepare more than reading the session article.
Everyone is welcome – from student to Nobel Prize laureate; from intern to CEO. No prior knowledge is required to participate, but the article discussions will probably be more valuable to you if you have a university-level understanding of quantitative and/or qualitative research methodology
Workshop: Train-the-Trainer zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement
Der zweitägige Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die in ihrem Arbeitsbereich oder an ihrer Einrichtung Grundlagen zum Forschungsdatenmanagement vermitteln wollen und davon ausgehend FDM-Services für ihre Standorte auf- oder ausbauen möchten. Neben didaktischen Ansätzen, Methoden und dem Seminaraufbau werden folgende Themen behandelt:
- Forschungsdaten-Lebenszyklus
- Forschungsdaten-Policies
- Datenmanagementplan
- Strukturierung von Daten
- Dokumentation
- Speicherung und Backup
- Langzeitarchivierung
- Zugriffssicherheit
- Publikation von Forschungsdaten
- Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten
- Rechtliche Aspekte
Die Einheiten werden von praktischen Übungen begleitet, durch die das neu gewonnene Wissen verfestigt und auf eigene Anwendungsfälle übertragen werden kann. Dabei lernen die Teilnehmenden nützliche Werkzeuge und Plattformen für eine effektive Arbeit mit ihren Daten kennen. Verwendete Methoden sind Theorieimpulse, Einzelübungen, Plenums- und Gruppenarbeit, Diskussions- und Reflexionsrunden sowie E-Learning-Elemente.
In this workshop we will delve into the core of reproducible science and its transformative potential for science. The workshop begins with two keynoteson reproducibility, one byAltuna Akalin(MDC – Software reproducibility of data processing and machine learning in the era of AI) and the other byFrieder Paulus(Lübeck University – Contextualization of reproducibility in the organization of academic work) – both of which will also be livestreamed, to make them easily accessible for researchers from all Helmholtz Centers. Following the keynotes, attendees can choose one oftwo hands-on workshopsthat will equip them with the tools and insights needed to make reproducibility a cornerstone of their scientific endeavors.
KI und OER im Einsatz: OER vielseitig und rechtskonform mit KI aufwerten
Im interaktiven Workshop werden die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten erkundet, wie Künstliche Intelligenz die Welt der Open Educational Resources (OER) transformiert und deutlich erleichtern kann. Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Hochschullehrende, die ihre Lehrmaterialien auf innovative Weise gestalten möchten. Die Teilnehmenden erfahren, wie KI dabei helfen kann, OER effektiver zu gestalten und den Arbeitsaufwand zu reduzieren. Von rechtlichen Fragestellungen bis hin zur praktischen Anwendung verschiedener Tools werden relevante Themen praxisnah beleuchtet. Dieser Workshop bietet die Gelegenheit, Bildungsinhalte mit neuen, innovativen Methoden zu gestalten und zugleich sicher entlang rechtlicher Aspekte handeln zu können.
Open Science Symposium Registration
“The Collaborations Workshops series brings together researchers, developers, innovators, managers, funders, publishers, policy makers, leaders and educators to explore best practices and the future of research software.”We are delighted that you would like to attend the one-day symposium Qualitative Open Science: Challenges, Opportunities, Tensions, and Synergies funded by Open Science NL.”
Machine Learning
The course exposes participants to recent developments in the field of machine learning (ML) and discusses their ramifications for business and economics. ML comprises theories, concepts, and algorithms to extract patterns from observational data. The prevalence of data (“big data”) has led to a surge in the interest in ML to leverage existing data assets for improved decision-making and business process optimization. Concepts such as business analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence are omnipresent in decision-makers’ mindset and ground, to a large extent, on ML. Familiarizing course participants with these concepts and enabling them to apply cutting-edge ML algorithms to real-world decision problems in management, policy development, and research is the overarching objective of the course.
IGDORE ReproducibiliTea and Open Science Coffee
ReproducibiliTea is a journal club initiative that has resulted in journal clubs about open science and replicability in academic departments all over the world (see for more history and information). IGDORE is now proud to announce our own ReproducibiliTea journal club fully online, allowing people to join from wherever they happen to be in the world!
This journal club is suited for beginners to open science. To fully understand what the open science movement is built upon, we will cover important basic concepts and discuss the most seminal works. Each session will be based on an article which all participants read in advance. Depending on the session topic, other resources such as Youtube videos or optional reading may be provided to facilitate the discussions. These will always be optional; you are never expected to prepare more than reading the session article.
Everyone is welcome – from student to Nobel Prize laureate; from intern to CEO. No prior knowledge is required to participate, but the article discussions will probably be more valuable to you if you have a university-level understanding of quantitative and/or qualitative research methodology
Is Science Self-Correcting? A Tale of Obscurantism Slow Response and Misconduct
Lonni Besançon, Assistant Professor of Visualization at Linköping University, talks about self correcting in science.
Using Surveys for Impact Evidence
This session will cover why it’s useful to use surveys for impact evaluation, when you shouldn’t use surveys for evaluation, how to develop a “good” survey question and response options, avoiding common pitfalls in survey design, using open-ended questions in your survey, using online surveys and pilot testing your survey. The presentation will last around 35 minutes and there will be additional time for questions at the end.
Evaluating the Impact of your Research
Research funders expect you to demonstrate impact of your research. Research councils and Research England require you to provide evidence of this through Researchfish and the Research Excellence Framework (REF). For REF impact case studies, we need to be able to provide a strong narrative and robust evidence of the impacts claimed. This workshop will help you to develop a plan for evaluating the impact from your own research.
Entwicklung von Open Educational Ressources (OER)
OER Grundlagenworkshop & Q&A Session: Der Grundlagenworkshop zur Entwicklung von OER-Material findet im Rahmen von zwei digitalen Sitzungen statt. Im ersten Teil dieser Veranstaltung (14.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr) machen Sie sich mit den Merkmalen offener Bildungsmaterialien vertraut und reflektieren deren Chancen und Herausforderungen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Urheberrecht und der offenen Lizenzierung. In interaktiven Übungen erfahren Sie, wie Sie OER in Ihre Lehre einbinden können und was bei der Erstellung eigener OER zu beachten ist. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie die Funktionen des OER Portals kennen. bei dem zweiten Teil der Veranstaltung (16.30 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr) handelt es sich um eine Q&A Session, in der Sie Ihre eigenen OER vorstellen und individuelle Fragen stellen können.
Collaborations Workshop 2025 (CW25)
The Collaborations Workshops series brings together researchers, developers, innovators, managers, funders, publishers, policy makers, leaders and educators to explore best practices and the future of research software.
Maximising Your Impact
In this workshop we will identify what impact is (and isn’t), the different types of impact and the potential ‘reach and significance’ of your research. You will reflect on how well prepared you are to create and capture impact and look at the important role played by your stakeholders. You will leave the session having made a good start on your Impact Map, which will provide a useful guide for you as your research evolves.
Preprints; putting the P in PRC
Jonny Coates, Associate Director at ASAPBio, talks about preprints.
International Conference on Economics and Business Information – INCONECSS
This conference wants to address issues relating to economics and business information. Main topics: Research Data – Reshaping of skills and structures – Research support – Open Access.
Information and Sign-Up for the FOS Conference 2025 on Theory Development and Open Science
The focus of the meeting will be on theory development and its intersections with Open Science.
Open Citations& Open Scholarly Metadata 2025
This year edition of the workshop will gravitate around the following theme: “Open Access of Research Information”. In particular, the first day will be dedicated to the Bologna Meeting on Open Research Information, to encourage discussion between the signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration and other interested bodies and collaboratively orient the common roadmap, thus allowing the articulation of the outcomes that have recently been discussed during the Paris Conference on Open Research Information. The second day will be dedicated to invited contributions, presentations and a poster session selected among the participants in the call for contributions on the workshop theme.
Communicating your Research Impact
Communicating your research has never been more important in this ever-changing digital world. This workshop will provide useful tips to guide you through the practical ways in which you can effectively disseminate your research outputs to wider audiences beyond the walls of academia.