Events: Open Science & Economics
Conferences, seminars, webinars, online panels and more: Here you will find relevant events from the fields of Open Science and business studies and economics. Are you an event organizer yourself and would like to have your event added to the calendar? Don’t hesitate, please contact us.
You can find more dates for events relating to business studies and economics in the calendar of the ZBW search portal EconBiz.
[LOS! Hightlight Talk] Anreize für die Produktion und Nutzung von OER im Hochschulraum
Sylvia Kullmann und Verena Weimar gehen in ihrem Beitrag „OER als neue Kategorie in der Wissenschaftsbewertung – Anreize und Sichtbarkeit für Lehrende“ auf die Quantifizierung frei zugänglicher Lehrmaterialien durch OER Statistiken ein, mit denen OER so auch der Wissenschaftsbewertung zugänglich werden. Diese Verfahren ermöglichen, dass Forschung und Hochschullehre auf politischer Ebene als gleichwertige Wissenschaftsbereiche angesehen werden können. Sandra Schön spricht über „Die Rolle von Zertifikaten zu OER – Erfahrungen aus Österreich“. In Österreich wurden 2022 OER-Zertifikate für Hochschulen und Personen eingeführt. Sandra Schön war für die Implementierung verantwortlich und berichtet zudem auch von der Rolle von Zertifikaten zu OER in weiteren Vorhaben der TU Graz.
Open-Access-Publizieren in den Geschichtswissenschaften
Im Online-Workshop stehen die Erst- und Zweitveröffentlichung (häufig als Self Archiving betitelt) von konventionellen Publikationen im Fokus. Warum lohnt es sich für Forschende, ihre Werke zur offenen, selbst bestimmten Nachnutzung (über die Wahl einer offenen Lizenz) freizugeben? Unter welchen rechtlichen Bedingungen können die eigenen Texte zugänglich gemacht werden? Welche Positionen nehmen Förderorganisationen ein und welche Unterstützung bieten Bibliotheken und Open-Access-Expert*innen? Neben einer Einführung haben Teilnehmende die Möglichkeit in einer Q&A-Session offene Fragen zu platzieren.
Data Governance Act
In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Dirksen points out the relevance of the Data governance Act for science and research. The speaker will beProf. Dr Hans-Hermann Dirksen from Liebenstein Law, a law firm specialising in commercial law.
Barcamp: TriebfedOERn – Anreize, Incentives und Rahmenumstände für OER und OEP?
In diesem Barcamp wollen wir uns austauschen, gegenseitig beraten, unterstützen oder auch einfach Fragen sammeln. Was motiviert Lehrende OER zu erstellen? Welche Unterstützungsstrukturen brauchen Erstellende und Multiplikator*innen? Wie können wir die Weiternutzung von OER für Lehrende attraktiv gestalten? Und welchen Raum können wir für offene Lehr-/Lernpraktiken schaffen?
Legal aspects (copyright and usage rights)
The module will present the copyright situation regarding research data. In particular, it will address the question of how openness can be achieved when publishing research data. It especially addresses when licensing under Creative Commons licenses is the right choice for publishing research data, and what needs to be considered in this context. The lecture will also cover current legal issues related to generative AI in the field of research. Copyright protection of research data – Licensing of research data – Generative AI.
Large Language Models, Open Science and trust in scholarly work
Tony Ross-Hellauer, the Leader of the Open and Reproducible Research Group at Graz University of Technology talks about Large Language Models, Open Science and trust in scholarly work.
Open Science and Christmas Quiz
Another year of meet-ups has almost come to a close. Let’s wrap up this year’s meet-ups with a fun quiz on Christmas and Open Science.
Reflections on the Process of Publishing a Data Paper
Data papers are an increasingly popular mode of academic publishing and play an important role in open scholarship. Due to their emergent status, however, not much is known about them. This talk aims to demystify data papers through the lens of an applied example. By walking through her experience of publishing a data paper for the big team science project, “Data from an International Multi-Centre Study of Statistics and Mathematics Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (the SMARVUS Dataset)”, Jenny Terry will discuss the anatomy of a data paper and how the team approached the writing process, the purpose and benefits of a data paper, options for publishing, and some of the lessons learned along the way.
Evaluating the Impact of your Research
Research funders expect you to demonstrate impact of your research. Research councils and Research England require you to provide evidence of this through Researchfish and the Research Excellence Framework (REF). For REF impact case studies, we need to be able to provide a strong narrative and robust evidence of the impacts claimed. This workshop will help you to develop a plan for evaluating the impact from your own research.
Digital Service Act
In this presentation, Dr. Philipp Lorenz-Spreen will introduce Article 40 of the Digitial Service Act to give researchers a better understanding of who can request data for which type of research, how this process works and which contact points exist in Germany.
Open Science Practices and Intellectual Properties
Julia Priess Bucheit, Researcher at Kiel University talks about Open Science Practices and Intellectual Properties.
BERD Academy: Open Education for Research with (unstructured) Business, Economics and Related Data
This event is part of the Coffee Lectures on Open Science Education.
Abstract: Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. Especially for researchers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, who graduated just a few years ago when most study programs covered mainly or exclusively ‘traditional’ data collection methods such as surveys with structured, tabular data. To unlock the research potential of new data sources by applying fitting methods, education is needed. The BERD Academy is the training outlet of the consortium for Business, Economics, and Related Data in the National Research Data Infrastructure (BERD@NFDI). In this talk, we will present how a wide range of offers in flexible formats fulfills the needs of researchers and research data providers. We want to discuss, how educational content can unlock research potential and how open education can foster open science.
Speaker: Markus Herklotz, LMU Munich
Markus Herklotz is working for the project BERD as part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), where he designs training programs and educational resources for researchers working with unstructured Business, Economics, and Related Data.
OER in Erwachsenenbildung und Hochschullehre: Rechtliche Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungsfälle
In dieser Online-Veranstaltung lernen Sie die Merkmale offener Bildungsmaterialien kennen und diskutieren deren Chancen und Herausforderungen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Urheberrecht und der offenen Lizenzierung. In interaktiven Übungen erfahren Sie, wie Sie offen lizenzierte Inhalte in Ihre Bildungsangebote einbinden können und was bei der Erstellung eigener OER zu beachten ist. Gemeinsam nehmen wir hierbei auch grundlegende Einsatzmöglichkeiten generativer KI in den Blick.
Der AI Act und seine Auswirkungen auf die Forschung: Eine Interpretation
In this presentation, the roles defined in the AI Act will be presented and their relevance for researchers will be assessed. Furthermore, the classification of AI systems into different risk categories and their impact on research on AI systems will be discussed.
Teaching what we Practice – Open Science in Higher Education
This event is part of the Coffee Lectures on Open Science Education.
Abstract: Teaching what we practice means emphasizing the importance of integrating Open Science principles into academic teaching. The relevance of these practices lies in fostering a learning environment that mirrors the evolving landscape of scientific research. By embracing Open Science in higher education, instructors can teach students not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in transparent, accessible, and reproducible research. This approach includes employing open science practices such as filling out a pre-registration form, making students aware that sharing materials and data is helpful, and highlighting the importance of replications. As higher education institutions increasingly adopt these practices, they prepare students for a future where open and collaborative research is the norm, bridging the gap between academic training and real-world scientific practices. Lastly, current students seem to be open to open science practices anyways – creating a winning setting.
Speaker: Meikel Soliman, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Meikel Soliman is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager of the “Leuphana Laboratories” at the Faculty of Management & Technology at Leuphana University. His research focuses on consumer behaviour, the emotion of embarrassment and consumer ethics. He also explores the question of what people associate with the term happiness and what behaviour really makes people happy (vs. what people think makes them happy).
Open Science Retreat
Our next topic will be “Artificial Intelligence and Open Science”. More information will follow.
E-Science-Tage 2025: Research Data Management – Challenges in a Changing World
The E-Science-Tage are an interdisciplinary conference series on the topics of research data management and open science – with a wide range of opportunities for professional exchange between science and technology. Save the Date!
KI und OER im Einsatz: OER vielseitig und rechtskonform mit KI aufwerten
Im interaktiven Workshop werden die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten erkundet, wie Künstliche Intelligenz die Welt der Open Educational Resources (OER) transformiert und deutlich erleichtern kann. Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Hochschullehrende, die ihre Lehrmaterialien auf innovative Weise gestalten möchten. Die Teilnehmenden erfahren, wie KI dabei helfen kann, OER effektiver zu gestalten und den Arbeitsaufwand zu reduzieren. Von rechtlichen Fragestellungen bis hin zur praktischen Anwendung verschiedener Tools werden relevante Themen praxisnah beleuchtet. Dieser Workshop bietet die Gelegenheit, Bildungsinhalte mit neuen, innovativen Methoden zu gestalten und zugleich sicher entlang rechtlicher Aspekte handeln zu können.
Machine Learning
The course exposes participants to recent developments in the field of machine learning (ML) and discusses their ramifications for business and economics. ML comprises theories, concepts, and algorithms to extract patterns from observational data. The prevalence of data (“big data”) has led to a surge in the interest in ML to leverage existing data assets for improved decision-making and business process optimization. Concepts such as business analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence are omnipresent in decision-makers’ mindset and ground, to a large extent, on ML. Familiarizing course participants with these concepts and enabling them to apply cutting-edge ML algorithms to real-world decision problems in management, policy development, and research is the overarching objective of the course.
Evaluating the Impact of your Research
Research funders expect you to demonstrate impact of your research. Research councils and Research England require you to provide evidence of this through Researchfish and the Research Excellence Framework (REF). For REF impact case studies, we need to be able to provide a strong narrative and robust evidence of the impacts claimed. This workshop will help you to develop a plan for evaluating the impact from your own research.