Events: Open Science & Economics

Conferences, seminars, webinars, online panels and more: Here you will find relevant events from the fields of Open Science and business studies and economics. Are you an event organizer yourself and would like to have your event added to the calendar? Don’t hesitate, please contact us.

You can find more dates for events relating to business studies and economics in the calendar of the ZBW search portal EconBiz.

Kick-off of the new HorizonEurope project “ IP4OS – Unpacking the possibilities of Intellectual Properties for Open Science”

8. January 2025
Kiel (Germany)
Organised by: University of Kiel

The symposium is the first part of the official launch of the new HorizonEurope project ‘IP4OS – Unpacking the possibilities of Intellectual Properties for Open Science’. The aim of IP4OS is social innovation: to empower multi-professional teams and their organisations in European countries with knowledge, skills, awareness and advocacy to boost the valorisation of scientific knowledge in the ERA to a new level by promoting a concerted approach to agile Intellectual Property (IP) management and Open Science (OS) practices. Agile synergies between IP management and OS promote intensive knowledge transfer, making research accessible for social, environmental and economic benefits, while safeguarding intellectual property rights and the exploitation of research results.The rich programme offers presentations on capacity building, Open Science, Intellectual Properties as well as security and licensing in research.

Reflections on the Process of Publishing a Data Paper

9. January 2025
Organised by: Center for Open Science

Data papers are an increasingly popular mode of academic publishing and play an important role in open scholarship. Due to their emergent status, however, not much is known about them. This talk aims to demystify data papers through the lens of an applied example. By walking through her experience of publishing a data paper for the big team science project, “Data from an International Multi-Centre Study of Statistics and Mathematics Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (the SMARVUS Dataset)”, Jenny Terry will discuss the anatomy of a data paper and how the team approached the writing process, the purpose and benefits of a data paper, options for publishing, and some of the lessons learned along the way.

2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services

15. January 2025
Organised by: OSCARS

Participants will learn more about the scope and content of the call, and will have the chance to raise any question about its scope, content, conditions, and the application process. WHY ATTEND? To learn about OSCARS and the funding opportunity given by the 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services. To ask any question about the call, and get useful answers to increase the chances of submitting a successful proposal.

Legal Aspects (Data protection)

15. January 2025
Organised by: HeFDI

Researchers are aware of legal and ethical requirements when dealing with (sensitive) personal data, but how to meet them in practice? The module provides guidance on how to proceed. Legal framework (GDPR) – Informed consent – Data anonymisation strategies for quantitative and qualitative data – Data use agreements to publish sensitive data under restricted access.

Leitfaden zur digitalen Datensparsamkeit – Vorstellung und Diskussion

21. January 2025
Organised by: Shared RDM

In dieser Veranstaltung werden Dr. Sophie Habinger und Maximilian Heber (Landesinitiative bwFDM) zunächst die Hintergründe und Kernelemente des Leitfadens vorstellen. Anschließend freuen wir uns auf Ihre Fragen und laden zu einer Diskussion rund um das Thema Digitale Datensparsamkeit ein. Der Leitfaden ist in folgenden Fassungen erschienen:

Evaluating the Impact of your Research

21. January 2025
Organised by: Liverpool John Moores University

Research funders expect you to demonstrate impact of your research. Research councils and Research England require you to provide evidence of this through Researchfish and the Research Excellence Framework (REF). For REF impact case studies, we need to be able to provide a strong narrative and robust evidence of the impacts claimed. This workshop will help you to develop a plan for evaluating the impact from your own research.

Praxis-Workshop zu OER-Rechtsfragen

22. January 2025
Organised by: twillo

Möchte man eigene Werke als Open Educational Resources veröffentlichen, bedeutet dies nicht, dass man auf die Einbindung fremder Inhalte verzichten muss. Doch was ist hierbei aus rechtlicher Perspektive zu beachten? Welche Regeln gelten für die Einbindung fremder OER oder deren Vermischung mit eigenen Inhalten? Wie beeinflusst die Einbindung die eigene Lizenzwahl? Und wie verhält es sich bei Materialien, die nicht offen lizenziert sind? In diesem kostenfreien Rechtsfragen-Workshop erfahren Sie, wie die rechtskonforme Erstellung und Nutzung von OER in der Praxis funktioniert. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Frage, wie Fremdmaterialien – im Einklang mit dem Urheberrecht – in eigenen OER genutzt werden können. Hierfür werden typische Anwendungsszenarien der Einbindung fremder Inhalte (z.B. Videos, Bilder, Grafiken, Texte, KI-generierte Inhalte) in eigene Werke durchgespielt.

Open Science Practices and Intellectual Properties

22. January 2025
Organised by: Italian Reproducibility Network - ITRN

Julia Priess Bucheit, Researcher at Kiel University talks about Open Science Practices and Intellectual Properties.

Digital Service Act

22. January 2025
Organised by: FDM Thüringen

In this presentation, Dr. Philipp Lorenz-Spreen will introduce Article 40 of the Digitial Service Act to give researchers a better understanding of who can request data for which type of research, how this process works and which contact points exist in Germany.

Using Surveys for Impact Evidence

22. January 2025
Organised by: Liverpool John Moores University

This session will cover why it’s useful to use surveys for impact evaluation, when you shouldn’t use surveys for evaluation, how to develop a “good” survey question and response options, avoiding common pitfalls in survey design, using open-ended questions in your survey, using online surveys and pilot testing your survey. The presentation will last around 35 minutes and there will be additional time for questions at the end. 

Data science and big data

23. January 2025
Bremen & Online
Organised by: UBremen Research Alliance

his course provides a basic overview about data science applications. To produce reliable data science results a profound knowledge about the data analyses methods, data management techniques and innovative technologies is required. Additionally, to assess these results and approaches an awareness of their ethical, legal, and social implications is demanded (all topics are addressed in the following courses and operator tracks).

The State of Open Data 2024: Bridging policy and practice in data sharing

23. January 2025
Organised by: figshare

During the webinar, we will discuss pathways to incentivize open data publishing through innovative metrics, addressing the urgent need for more effective policies, and examining resource disparities across regions. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of tailored support for different disciplines and the necessity of practical resources and training to drive meaningful change in the open data landscape. This is an opportunity to engage with experts and contribute to shaping a more equitable and efficient future for open research.

Generative KI in der Hochschullehre: Adversariale Übungen, Co-Creation und ethische Reflexion

24. January 2025
Organised by: Hochschulnetzwerk Digitalisierung der Lehre Baden-Württemberg (HND-BW)

Unter der Leitung von Philipp Kellmeyer (Universität Mannheim) widmet sich der interaktive Workshop der Nutzung von generativer KI, insbesondere Large-Language Models (LLM) in der Hochschullehre, insbesondere im Rahmen von Red-Teaming-Übungen und anderen adversarialen Methoden.

IT- und Datenkompetenz im FDM – Fokus 1: Programmierung und Automatisierung

27. January 202528. January 2025
Organised by: Landesinitiative Forschungsdatenmanagement (

Im Zuge dieses Hands-on-Workshops werden Konzepte zum effizienten und reproduzierbaren Management von Forschungsdaten vermittelt. Ziel des Workshops ist es, die Teilnehmenden mit verschiedenen Werkzeugen vertraut zu machen. Ebenso soll das Bewusstsein für Computational Thinking, Automatisierung und Optimierung der eigenen Prozesse geschärft werden. Die Veranstaltung beinhaltet die Einführung in Datenhandling, die Unix-Shell, die Programmiersprache Python und das Versionierungssystem Git.

Maximising Your Impact

28. January 2025
Organised by: Liverpool John Moores University

In this workshop we will identify what impact is (and isn’t), the different types of impact and the potential ‘reach and significance’ of your research. You will reflect on how well prepared you are to create and capture impact and look at the important role played by your stakeholders. You will leave the session having made a good start on your Impact Map, which will provide a useful guide for you as your research evolves.

Crash Course: Encryption

29. January 2025
Organised by: HeFDI

The presentation will show how you can store your research data more securely with an encryption program. It will also answer the question of what encryption is and how it works. The modules adresses the following topics: When do I need an encryption? (Factors, Transmission and storage), Protection requirements – What is encryption? (In principle, Differences between encryption, Symmetric encryption, Asymmetric encryption) – How can I encrypt my data? (Example using a program).

(Self-)Teaching Open Science: Modular Open Science Online Courses

29. January 2025
Organised by: Open Science, University of Konstanz

Apart from conventional on-site courses, asynchronous online courses can be used to offer low-threshold introductions to Open Science – independently from where their participants live and at what time of the day they are available. In this meet-up, Matthias Landwehr, head of the University of Konstanz’ Team Open Science, will provide an introduction to the advantages behind Open Science online courses. We will also discuss which elements they can involve and where they can be employed. As two examples, Matthias will introduce the Open Science Fundamental Course and the Open Science Advanced Course – both of these courses were created and implemented during the Re:ERUA project.

BERD Academy: Open Education for Research with (unstructured) Business, Economics and Related Data

29. January 2025
16:00 - 17:00
Organised by: ZBW

This event is part of the Coffee Lectures on Open Science Education.

Abstract: Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. Especially for researchers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, who graduated just a few years ago when most study programs covered mainly or exclusively ‘traditional’ data collection methods such as surveys with structured, tabular data. To unlock the research potential of new data sources by applying fitting methods, education is needed. The BERD Academy is the training outlet of the consortium for Business, Economics, and Related Data in the National Research Data Infrastructure (BERD@NFDI). In this talk, we will present how a wide range of offers in flexible formats fulfills the needs of researchers and research data providers. We want to discuss, how educational content can unlock research potential and how open education can foster open science.

Speaker: Markus Herklotz, LMU Munich

Markus Herklotz is working for the project BERD as part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), where he designs training programs and educational resources for researchers working with unstructured Business, Economics, and Related Data.

Offene Bildungsmaterialien (OER) in der Hochschullehre: Möglichkeiten und Nutzen

11. February 2025
Organised by: twillo

In dieser Veranstaltung lernen Sie die Merkmale offener Bildungsmaterialien kennen und reflektieren deren Mehrwerte und Herausforderungen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem Urheberrecht und der offenen Lizenzierung (nach Creative Commons). In interaktiven Übungen erfahren Sie, wie Sie offen lizenzierte Bildungsmaterialien in Ihre Lehre einbinden können und was bei der Erstellung eigener OER zu beachten ist. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie das niedersächsische OER-Portal kennen – eine nachhaltige Infrastruktur für das Teilen offener Bildungsmaterialien.

Large Language Models and the future of scientific publishing

11. February 2025
Frankfurt am Main
Organised by: NFDI4Earth, NFDI4Chem, MatWerk, KonsortSWD, Text+, NFDI4DataScience

This workshop will bring together researchers and publishers to identify and address the upcoming challenges for the journals as well as the increased demands on the reviewers and the wider research community. Furthermore, the workshop will identify possible chances enabled by incorporating LLM technologies within the writing and publishing process and open the path for future discussions on this topic. Thereby, we accelerate the exchange and harmonization of user journeys for the future of scholarly publication.

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