A reproducibility internship?

28. October 2024
Organised by: ZBW

This event is part of the Coffee Lectures on Open Science Education.

Abstract: The LDI (Labor Dynamics Institute) Replication Lab verifies computational reproducibility of papers appearing in AEA (American Economic Association) journals with undergraduate students, who experience hands-on engagement with data and code for conditionally accepted manuscripts. We believe that exposure to and training in well-structured programming will benefit students both in academia and the private sector. They become resourceful in debugging (inevitably) imperfect code submitted to the AEA journals, and are taught how to communicate with other people on technical problems, in an objective and constructive manner. Can or should this be expanded?

Speaker: Lars Vilhuber

Lars Vilhuber holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Université de Montréal, Canada, and is currently on the faculty of the Cornell University Economics Department.